Gerald B. Herzog – First Transistor Television

Oral History – (Continued)



RCA was second only to Bell Labs in the number of patents related to transistor inventions in the early 1950s.  The above photo (from the 1953 RCA publication “Transistors”) shows a number of historic transistorized devices developed at the RCA Labs and demonstrated at an RCA licensee transistor symposium in 1952 in Princeton, NJ.   Of particular note is the first completely transistorized television receiver, shown on the left side of the above photo, between two experimental transistor radios. Jerry Herzog was one of the engineers responsible for the design and construction of this television – he is shown to the left in a photograph from the same 1953 publication, along with a closeup view of the television. (The large device in the background of the photo is a piece of transistor test equipment from that era).  In the following pages of this Oral History, Jerry provides personal and technical commentary regarding his work on this truly historic device, which is now on display at the Smithsonian Museum.















Go To Herzog Oral History, Page 9

(First Transistor Television)



COPYRIGHT © 2004 by Jack Ward.  All Rights Reserved.  http://www.transistormuseum.com/